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Ad Text Guidelines on Healer Finder's Website

At Healer Finder, we value authenticity, accuracy, and respect in all advertisements placed on our platform. We strive to maintain a trustworthy environment where users can find genuine healing services and practitioners. As such, we have established the following guidelines to ensure that all ad content meets our standards:


Advertisements must provide truthful and accurate information about the services or practitioners being promoted. Any claims made in the ad text must be substantiated and verifiable.

Respectful Language

Ad text should be crafted with sensitivity and respect towards individuals, cultures, and communities. Avoid language that is derogatory, offensive, or discriminatory in any form.


Clearly disclose any affiliations, sponsorships, or partnerships that may exist between the advertiser and the services or practitioners being advertised. Transparency builds trust and helps users make informed decisions.

No False Claims

Advertisements must not contain any false or misleading claims about the efficacy, benefits, or outcomes of the services offered. Avoid exaggerated statements that cannot be substantiated.

Compliance with Regulations

Advertisements must comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards governing advertising practices in the jurisdictions where they are displayed.

Responsible Content

Ensure that ad content is appropriate for all audiences, including minors. Avoid promoting content that is explicit, offensive, or harmful in nature.


Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy, legality, and integrity of their ad content. Healer Finder reserves the right to review and reject any ads that violate our guidelines or fail to meet our standards.

By adhering to these guidelines, advertisers can contribute to creating a positive and trustworthy advertising ecosystem on Healer Finder. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these principles and maintaining the integrity of our platform. For any questions or clarifications regarding ad content guidelines, please contact our support team.
